Local Teen Appeals For Cash To Set Up Blind Support Group

Partially sighted 13 year old wants a Wandsworth support group for young people

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A visually-impaired teenager is calling for the creation of a support group for blind and partially sighted young people in Wandsworth.

Thirteen year old Kyrah Spencer of Wilde Place in Earlsfield, is partially sighted and was recently introduced to activities run in other boroughs by the Royal London Society for Blind People (RLSB). The three activity days were funded by Wandsworth Council.

Kyrah was part of a group of half a dozen visually-impaired young people from Wandsworth who spent three days involved in rock-climbing, preparing a meal with a chef who has cooked for the Prince of Wales and recording a creative music track.

These activities are similar to those that take place regularly in the RLSB’s Social and Peer Groups for young blind and partially sighted people in Lambeth, Southwark, Croydon, Greenwich, Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Newham. Kyrah is hoping that money can be raised to extend this programme to Wandsworth, where she and other children and young people are keen to become involved.

It costs between £15,000 and £20,000 a year to run a Social and Peer Group in London. Each group is organised to suit the needs and desires of its members, but will provide a mix of social activities, training and expeditions. The groups are funded by corporate sponsors, council funds and charitable donations.

Kyrah Spencer pictured left said:

“I had a really great time at the activity days and it would be fantastic if we could set up a permanent group here. Kids and young people in other boroughs have a group – why can’t we have one in Wandsworth?”

Debbie Watton of the Royal London Society for Blind People said:

“The RLSB Social and Peer Groups have been a huge success in combating the biggest problem suffered by young visually impaired people, which is isolation. It would be really wonderful if we could find a sponsor who could help us set up a Wandsworth group. This is the kind of initiative that will help these young people to live their lives without limits.”


October 4, 2011