Have Your Say In Southfields

An opportunity for residents to quiz politicians and town hall management

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The latest town hall 'report back' sessions will take place at the end of the month and give local residents the chance to have their say on a wide range of local issues, including street cleaning, parking, policing, public transport and the NHS.

The meetings are designed to ensure that town hall politicians and managers understand local people’s priorities for their communities.

The Southfields ward meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday, January 26 at Sheringdale School in Standen Road, and will be attended by the ward’s three locally elected councillors - Lucy Allen, Terry Walsh and Guy Humphries.

Senior managers from all the main town hall services will also be on hand to answer questions from the audience and address locally identified concerns.  A newsletter will be hand-delivered to every residential and business property in both wards in the coming days to make sure local people are aware of the meetings.

People unable to attend their local meeting on the night can email questions to www.wandsworth.gov.uk/listen  A summary of the issues raised by residents will be posted on this section of the council's website after both meetings.


January 11, 2011