Do You Have A Personal Or Family Relationship Problem?

Turn to Paige our Relationship and Family Guru who is here to help you....

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Want Paige to help you?
Email her in strictest confidence on 

Only a handful of problems can be addressed on the site BUT Paige's website is also available at 


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Whilst the forum is great for finding builders, complaining about potholes and raving about Putney it is not somewhere where you can share your more personal issues and whilst you may find a sympathetic ear you really don't want everyone knowing your intimate problems!

So the latest member of the team Paige may be just who you are looking for. Paige is a trained Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist (not possible through the internet!) & a member of the National Council of Psychotherapists.  She is also the mother of two teenage children and an ex broadsheet columnist as well makes regular appearances on TV and Radio.

All emails to Paige will be treated in strictest confidence and if published on the site will have all names changed to protect your identity.  Paige will make a selection from the emails recieved each fortnight - however she has her own webpage which you may find useful.

So go on if you need advice because you feel your love life is in a rut or your children are driving you to distraction why not email Paige and let her help you turn a new page in your life.


August 22, 2011