Men's Road Race Through Putney (There & Back)

Coming over Putney Bridge ©Andrew Wilson And on to Putney High Street ©Andrew Wilson
Crossing Putney Bridge Rd ©Robbie Oone Bradley Wiggins crosses Putney Bridge Rd ©Robbie Oone
Recruitment for the Bombay Bicycle Club ©Ruth Wyman  
Waiting patiently on Upper Richmond Rd © Kate Roxburgh Upper Richmond Rd © Kate Roxburgh
and through they came © Kate Roxburgh Team GBR caught wizzing by © Kate Roxburgh
followed by support vehicles Signs they are about to return
Hours passed & back they came on the UR Rd ..........................
  Cav whizzes by but sadly not to win
& off they went on their way to Putney Bridge where people patiently wait
nearing the High Street  
Columbian leads back down Putney High St ©Mike Ixer Columbian supporters ©Mike Ixer
©Mike Ixer ©Mike Ixer
Cav fans wait patiently at Putney Bridge for his return © Kate Roxburgh Wenlock in SW15
The home stretch begins over Putney Bridge ©Peter Roxburgh Share your images email


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