Streets Can Make Their Jubilee Mark

Create your own tribute paving stone

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To enquire about obtaining a Jubilee paving stone, call Dave Kelly at Wandsworth Council on 020 8871 5670 or email

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Wandsworth Council has become the first local authority in the country to offer residents the chance to mark 60 years of the Queen's reign by having their own specially engraved paving stone laid in the street they live.

Residents can have their own permanent tribute to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee by requesting the unique piece of paving be laid in the road outside their homes by council officers.

People living in Festing Road, Putney, have already raised the £380 required to buy the stone and fully fund its engraving and installation – meaning none of the cost is picked up by the taxpayer.

The residents have chosen the words “Happy and Glorious”, followed by “Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2012” in smaller letters. They are currently preparing to have the paving stone engraved before handing it back to the council to install in the pavement.

In 2009, Festing Road residents clubbed together to pay for a paving stone to commemorate storyteller David McKee – the creator of famous cartoon character Mr Benn, who lived at number 52 in the similarly named Festive Road.

McKee (pictured left at the unveiling), who used to live in the Putney street, remains the subject of a paving stone in the road, which reads: “Festive Road, Home of story teller David McKee and his creation Mr Benn.”

Festing Road’s paving engravings were the brainchild of retired writer, Hugh Thompson, who was inspired by similar street etchings he saw during a visit to Sydney, in Australia.

Mr Thompson, who has lived in Putney for 35 years, said:
“I think these engravings are a very nice way for the inhabitants of the street to leave some sort of legacy – these are things that will live on.  I suppose they are a sort of alternative to the blue plaques you see on buildings, only pavement engravings offer something a little different.”

The council’s cabinet member for strategic planning, Councillor Russell King, said:
“The council is happy to help any resident or group mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in this unique way by offering to provide and install paving stones.  They represent a lasting tribute to an event that will be celebrated across the nation.”

Cllr King added that any resident wanting to commemorate the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games by commissioning a paving engraving in their street would also be welcome to do so.

The cost to engrave a paving stone is about £150, while the cost to the council to plan and carry out installation work is around £230 – producing an overall cost to anyone taking up the offer of approximately £380.

Different wording on the stone could be chosen but this may affect the total cost of the work.

Alternatively, anyone with more money to spend could purchase a metal inlaid paving stone – which is expected to cost in the region of £450 depending on the supplier.

The stones can only be on roads managed by Wandsworth, not red routes, and anyone interested is advised to organise it well in advance of the Jubilee celebrations in June.

To enquire about obtaining a Jubilee paving stone, call Dave Kelly at Wandsworth Council on 020 8871 5670 or email

December 27, 2011