No Lights, Camera Or Action At Jessops

Putney store is one of 187 outlets closed

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The doors were firmly closed at 39-43 Putney High Street this morning. The high street chain fell into administration last week, with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) appointed to find a buyer for the struggling company.

Stores began closing yesterday with a loss of 1,370 jobs, & further job losses are expected at the firm’s head office in Leicester.

Rob Hunt the appointed administrator told the BBC: ‘The stock will be collected over the coming days and returned to a central warehouse. It will be returned to suppliers if they are entitled to it,’.

He continued: ‘We will continue to ensure that employees are paid as they assist us during the closure.’

Despite additional funding being made available to the company, a decline in the marketplace means Jessops has not generated the profits it had planned.

Jessops is the first high profile high street retail collapse of 2013.

January 14, 2013