1 in 5 People in the UK Suffer From Depression

‘Depression and Wellbeing in Wandsworth’ part of National Depression Awareness Week

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National Depression Awareness Week will take place from Monday 11th to Sunday 17th April 2011 to help raise awareness of how depression can affect us all, how we can help ourselves and what services are available in Wandsworth.

The campaign, supported by the Wandsworth Mental Health Promotion Forum aimed at a wide range of people in the community, including older people, minority groups, carers and family and friends of people with depression will continue through the year.

Depression is a serious illness. It is different from the more common experience of feeling unhappy, miserable or fed up for a short period of time. When you are depressed, you may have feelings of extreme sadness that can last for a long time. These feelings are severe enough to interfere with your daily life, and can last for weeks or months, rather than days.

This year’s Depression Awareness Week in Wandsworth will see local organisations launching health and well being workshops, organising awareness events and promoting the resources that are available in the borough.

Amongst the highlights of the week will be the Mental Health First Aid Training, funded by NHS Wandsworth which highlights the importance of early recognition of symptoms and directs people to services. The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Service, South West London St Georges Mental Health Trust will also be promoting the open access service to increase awareness of employment support services and talking therapies. Talking Therapy aims to help people work out how to deal with negative thoughts and feelings and make positive changes to your behaviour.

Dr Rose de Boer – GP and Chair of Wandsworth Mental Health Promotion Forum said:
"Raising awareness of depression is very important as it is a common mental illness and can have a serious impact on all areas of your life. We want people to be aware that there is a diverse range of help, resources and services available, which they can access to help themselves or others with depression. The events during the campaign aim to reach out to people in Wandsworth and provide information about resources and support available, as well as challenging the stigma of mental illness".

NHS Wandsworth and the Wandsworth Mental Health Promotion Forum is committed to promoting positive mental health and shMarch 31, 2011 all need to play a part.

For more information about the activities going on in Wandsworth, please refer to the NHS Wandsworth website at http://www.wandsworth.nhs.uk/Stayinghealthy/mentalhealth/Pages/default.aspx

March 30, 2011