Wandsworth Free School On Track

Local parents & council step up plans for new school at the Bolingbroke hospital site

Associated Articles

Contact the Neighbourhood School Campaign at www.thensc.net

Wandsworth Free School Plans Afoot

Lister Welcome Free Schools Plan

Comments from the Putney Forum




Wandsworth council has made an offer to buy the old Bolingbroke hospital site from the St George’s NHS Trust, which owns it. The new free school, which we reported on in June, hopes to use the site for its facilities.
Although the St George’s NHS Trust has begun consulting on proposals for new flats and health facilities on the site, as a public body it has a legal obligation to deal with the council and cannot sell to another party at this stage.
The main purpose of the current proposals is to establish the market value of the site including the required health provision. When the council’s purchase is completed there will be a fresh planning application which will include the new school alongside the health facilities.
For more information go to wandsworth.gov.uk or contact the steering committee behind the new free school, the Neighbourhood School Campaign at www.thensc.net

June 21, 2010