Last Sighting Of Alice On Grand Union Canal Towpath

One week since teenager went missing CCTV released

Related links

CCTV Footage of Alice's Last Known Movements

Alice - Please Come Home

Massive Community Support to Find Alice

Alice - Emergency Appeal Day At Ealing Broadway Centre

Headteacher Appeal for Missing Alice

Could Alice Be in Brentford or Kew?

Huge Community Response in Search For Missing Alice

Appeal to Find Missing Girl from Hanwell

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It's been a week since 14-year-old Alice Gross from Hanwell went missing and efforts to find her are intensifying.

Alice's family and the police are expected to make further appeals today and the Missing People charity will be holding a day of action at Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre.

The teenager - who has health problems - left her home at 1pm on Thursday 28th August. She told her family she would be home that evening, but didn't return.

Police have Alice's bag alongside the towpath alongside the River Brent. This bag is a rucksack which contained some of Alice's personal property and has been identified by the family.

Alice was seen wearing it in the CCTV whilst out walking in the River Brent area and officers are appealing to any witnesses who may have seen her with it or seen this bag in the area on or after the day she went missing. 

She was captured on CCTV at 2.23pm walking alone on the Grand Union Canal tow path in the vicinity of the Holiday Inn at Brentford Lock, TW8 8GA, heading in the direction of the River Thames.

She was seen at the same point along the tow path at 3.45pm heading in the direction of Hanwell. Enquires continue to establish if there are any further sightings of Alice after this point.

Alice is white, 5 feet 2 inches tall and of very slim build with shoulder-length, light brown hair. When last seen, she was wearing dark blue jeans and a dark green lacy cardigan. She was carrying a dark rucksack and may have been wearing denim blue 'Vans' shoes and tartan-framed spectacles.

Officers continue to conduct extensive enquires, including searches and house-to-house enquiries.

On Monday, 1 September Alice’s family made an emotional appeal for her to return home. Police also appealed for anyone who may have befriended Alice whilst on a song-writing workshop at the Camden Roundhouse in August to come forward and assist police with their investigation.

The investigation continues to be treated as a missing person’s inquiry but due to the high risk nature of this investigation and the concerns for Alice’s welfare the Homicide and Major Crime Command (HMCC) are now leading on the investigation but continue to be supported by officers from Ealing.

There is no information at this stage to suggest that anything untoward may have happened to Alice but detectives retain an open mind and consideration has been given to the fact that she may have become a victim of crime. This is only one line of enquiry but detectives stress that with the HMCC now providing additional resources and expertise to locate Alice they hope to return her home safe and well.

Detective Chief Inspector Andy Chalmers from the Homicide and Major Crime Command (HMCC) said: ''"A week on since Alice was last seen by her family we are becoming increasing worried about her welfare and safety as each day passes.

"Her disappearance is out of character and this investigation continues to be a priority for us. Alice has been missing for a considerable period of time and her family are desperate to have her back home where she belongs.

"We are exploring a number of lines of inquires and we urgently require the assistance of public to help us locate Alice. Our investigation has reached a point where we now know Alice was heading along the Grand Union Canal tow path in the direction of Hanwell and one would assume she was heading home.

"I would like to direct appeal to anyone who has any information to come forward and speak to us. The information you hold no matter how small may just be the vital piece of information we require."

Anyone who has seen Alice or has information that may assist the investigation should call the Incident Room on 020 8358 0100 or Ealing Missing Persons Unit on 020 8246 1018 or 101. Alternatively call the charity Missing People on 116000.

Alice's sister, Nina, has set up a Facebook page to appeal for information which can be found here:


3rd September 2014