Violence Sweeps Across London

Widespread Looting, Fire and Disorder

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Last night was the worst the MPS has seen in current memory for unacceptable levels of widespread looting, fires and disorder.

The MPS responded with the largest policing operation of the three nights to date (approximately 2,500 officers in addition to 3,500 officers already on boroughs). This included receiving aid from other forces and using armoured vehicles to support officers on the ground to clear areas of trouble. Over 16,000 police officers are expected to be in London tonight.

A significant number of arrests were made (well over 200 overnight - in excess of 450 over the three nights), leading to all MPS cells being full and prisoners being taken to surrounding forces.

Those involved in criminality should be under no illusion that we will pursue you. MPS have been making arrests all evening and have a team working during the night examining CCTV images. We will follow up evidence in the coming days in order to bring anyone else responsible for criminal acts to justice.

Disturbing levels of violence were directed at officers again, leading to 44 being injured last night, which included an officer being driven at resulting in broken bones, and another officer receiving an eye injury that is likely to need surgery (separate incident).

14 members of the public were also hurt, including a man in his 60's who has life threatening head injuries.

Over the last 24 hr period the police have taken almost 400% more 999 calls than normal (5,400 emergency 999 calls normally compared to almost 20,800).

Trident has launched an investigation after a 26 year old man was found with a gun shot wound in Croydon. He is currently in hospital in a serious condition.

Officers and staff continue to work long hours at short notice in very challenging circumstances.

Operation Withern is investigating the disorder and violence in parts of London over the weekend. An incident room has been set up. Anyone with information should call the major investigation team on 020 8345 4142.

You may also wish to consider subscribing to the official police messaging system ‘Neighbourhood Link’. To subscribe to this service please visit: Neighbourhood Link





August 10, 2011