Zac For Mayor

Richmond Park MP Zac Goldsmith confirms mayoral bid

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Richmond Park MP Zac Goldsmith has announced his intention to stand as the Conservative party’s candidate for London mayor.

Goldsmith entered the Commons at the 2010 general election when he unseated former Liberal Democrat mayoral runner Susan Kramer. At last month’s election he increased his majority from 4,091 to 23,015 and took 58.2% of the vote.

Many City Hall observers believe he represents the party’s best chance to retaining the mayoralty when Boris Johnson steps down next year thanks to his proven success in winning over Liberal Democrat voters and likely appeal to Green Party voters.

To win the mayoralty a candidate must secure 50.1% of the votes cast, meaning cross-party appeal is essential if a candidate is to pick up the second preference votes needed to cross the finishing line.

Mr Goldsmith told the Evening Standard that he would ballot his local constituents before making a final decision on whether to stand.

He said: “I have just been re-elected as MP and it’s important to know whether or not my constituents are happy for me to run for mayor. They must have the right to say no and it is now up to them to decide without interference”

If he does run it’s likely his campaign would focus on transport, housing, policing and the environment.

June 9, 2015