Wandsworth Historian 98 Out Now

The latest from Wandsworth Historical Society

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Walter, a vinedresser who tended a vineyard in mediaeval Southfields, and the artists who gallantly acted as orderlies at the vast military hospital on Wandsworth Common during the First World War: these are just some of the personalities who figure in the Autumn 2014 issue of the Wandsworth Historian (ISSN 1751-9225), the journal that brings you the latest research into Wandsworth’s past.

Other items include a biography of a pharmacist who ran a number of chemist’s shops across the borough and rose to national importance in the 1930s, and a note on the whimsical play put on for charity by the Putney Amateur Dramatic Society to enthusiastic reviews in 1952.

The Wandsworth Historian is published by the Wandsworth Historical Society, and copies are available price £3.00 plus £1.50 for postage and packing from Neil Robson, 119 Heythorp Street, London SW18 5BT or by emailing ngrobson@tiscali.co.uk. Cheques payable to ‘Wandsworth Historical Society’, please.


At the Concert: a Comic Song' by C. R. W. Nevinson from the Gazette of the 3rd London General Hospital in Wandsworth.

October 2, 2014