Council Invites Residents To Share Their Opinions

Join the Wandsworth Matters panel and help shape services

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The council has launched its new Wandsworth Matters online residents’ panel to make it easier for local people to comment on existing services and help shape new ones.

Wandsworth Matters is a chance to give your opinion on issues in the area where you live, have your say on council services and get your ideas heard by local decision makers.

Anyone who signs up will be invited to complete surveys, take part in online group discussions, complete quick snap surveys and post to bulletin boards. Survey results and feedback will be reported to senior councillors and officers to feed into the decision-making process.

Leader of the council, Ravi Govindia, said:
“Wandsworth is rapidly changing, with new transport connections, major regeneration projects, a new town centre at Nine Elms and a focus on providing jobs and homes for our residents. At the same time we need to preserve what it is about Wandsworth that makes it such a great place to live, such as our good schools, fantastic parks and commons and real sense of community - all this at a time of a severe squeeze in public sector budgets.

He continued:
“We have launched Wandsworth Matters to make it easier for our residents to tell us what they think of the services we provide, and what they would like to see in the future. We want them to help us shape Wandsworth going forward so that together we can make it even better.”

The panel is open to Wandsworth residents and businesses and to people studying or working in the borough. The more people that sign up, the wider the range of views that will be heard and the more representative it will be of the borough’s population as a whole.

Your data will be kept securely and not shared with anyone else and your responses will be confidential. You must be over 16 to join. To join the panel complete the online form.

Residents can communicate with the council via Wandsworth Matters in addition to the existing methods, which people are still free to use.

The council has made it easier to respond to council consultations by bringing them together in one online ‘portal’. Visit to find a range of consultations including one on Primary Schools Admissions Criteria. Visitors to the site can also view previous consultations.

November 3, 2014