Pothole Blitz Update

June schedule for pothole and pavement repairs

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Roads in Wandsworth, Putney and Battersea will be repaired over the coming month as the council’s action team continues its potholes blitz.

In June road crews will be in the wards of St Mary's Park, Wandsworth Common and West Putney repairing roads and filling in potholes.

Meanwhile crews will be repairing pavements in Earlsfield, Nightingale and West Hill wards.

Every street in the borough will be inspected over the next few months coming months as the council continues its major pothole and pavement repair project.

So far 441 potholes have been filled since the launch of the repair programme in early May.

A very harsh winter has caused an unusually high number of potholes to appear in roads throughout the country - and in Wandsworth, the council has heard the message from residents that they want urgent action to sort out the problem.

Wandsworth is responsible for 1,500 roads stretching over 360km with 746km of pavements, many of which were constructed more than 100 years ago.

The six repair crews will be checking and fixing problems in every street across the borough in a rolling programme. They will be working in six wards at a time. Three teams will be repairing potholes and three repairing pavements. This doesn't mean other urgent repairs elsewhere will be ignored. A rapid response team will be dealing with those.

In addition, many roads will be completely resurfaced and some roads will have their pavements completely re-laid. Leaflets are being sent to homes across the borough to let people know when the repair crews will be working in their neighbourhoods.

To report a pothole online visit www.wandsworth.gov.uk/potholes or email onstreetservices@wandsworth.gov.uk.


June 3, 2013