Have Your Say On 'Local Plan'

Draft changes available on line

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Residents are invited to have their say on draft changes to the borough’s ‘Local Plan’ which sets a framework for future development across Wandsworth.

Draft amendments have been made to the existing plan following changes to national and regional planning policies. The council wants to hear what local people think about the proposed updates.

The consultation ends on June 28.

The amended documents are available online at www.wandsworth.gov.uk/localplanreview

Hard copies can be viewed at Wandsworth Town Hall - to make an appointment please use the contact details below.

A report explaining the changes made to the existing Local Plan is also available to read on the council’s website.

For more information or to comment on the Local Plan email planningpolicy@wandsworth.gov.uk or call 020 8871 7420 or 020 8871 6649

June 11, 2013