Council Announces More Investment In Housing

Latest projects includes estates in Putney Roehampton & Wandsworth

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The council has unveiled its latest multi-million pound programme of investment to improve the homes of people living on the borough’s housing estates.

Around £3.3m will be spent on upgrading people’s homes and neighbourhoods on the Alton estate in Roehampton, the Ashburton estate in Putney, the Brocklebank estate in Wandsworth, the Lochinvar estate in Balham and also Battersea’s Winstanley estate.

The works range from new windows and new entrycall systems to new heating and hot water systems and internal and external redecorations.

The council announced that it spends about £50m a year on repairs and improvements to its housing estates. This sustained level of investment, coupled with the high quality of landlord and management services provided by its housing department has resulted in a satisfaction score among Wandsworth Council tenants of 82 per cent - one of the highest approval ratings in the country.

Among the latest wave of new projects to get the green light is the £260,000 replacement of heating and hot water systems at Stoughton Close on the Alton estate.

Homes in Putney’s Evenwood Close estate will benefit from £375,000 of roof renewal work and external decorations to brighten up the estate and improve its appearance, as will residents on the Brocklebank estate, as part of a £204,000 scheme.

People living in Andrew Reed House in Linstead, Way, Southfields will see £270,000 spent on decorations and repairs to external and internal communal areas, as will residents in Boundaries Road Balham in a £47,000 programme of works.

Homes in and around Chartfield Avenue on Putney’s Ashburton estate will be fitted with brand new windows and have the external parts of their blocks redecorated in a £1.44m improvement scheme.

Housing spokesman Cllr Paul Ellis said:
“The council has a long and sustained record of investment in local housing estates to ensure that tenants and leaseholders live in good quality accommodation. Each year the town hall spends around £50m on improving and maintaining our estates. There is a continuous programme of works to upgrade roofs, windows, lifts, entry-call systems, CCTV, heating systems, kitchens, bathrooms and communal areas.

He continued:
“As a result of this ongoing investment, Wandsworth was able to meet the Government’s target of reaching the decent homes standard for all its 33,000 properties a full five years before the deadline. It is by providing decent homes, having a programme of continuous investment and improvement, and by completing repairs quickly and efficiently that has led 82 per cent of our tenants to say they are satisfied with the landlord services they receive.”

May 20, 2013