Wandsworth Grant Fund

Round Two now open - events organised to help people interested in applying

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The Wandsworth Grant Fund was launched earlier this year to streamline the process for funding projects under these council priorities:

1. Arts and Culture*

2.Children and Young People

3.Citizenship and Civic Engagement

4.Achieving Aspirations and Potential

5.Health and Well being

Evaluation and assessment is done by specialist council offers and there is scrutiny by councillors to ensure money is going where it is most needed and where it will most benefit borough residents. Ward councillor endorsement of each application is required.

During the application period a series of events and workshops will be held to help potential applicants find out about the fund and the application process.

Meet the Funder events will include presentations on the process, the funding priorities, eligibility and general guidance. They will be held at the following locations:
September 29, 2pm to 4.30pm, Roehampton BASE
October 8, 10am to 12.30pm, Caius House, Battersea
October 13, 5pm to 7.30pm, Balham Library

Bidding Workshops offer the opportunity to book a one-to-one appointment with a relevant council officer to discuss your application. They will be held at the following locations:
October 15, 2pm to 4.30pm, Wandsworth Town Hall Extension
October 21, 10.15am to 12.45pm, Penfold Centre, Wandsworth Town.

Booking is essential for all these events. Book online at www.wandsworth.gov.uk/wgf.

* General arts grants are made in the usual way, but arts groups interested in funding specifically to take part in the Wandsworth Fringe will need to go through a separate process. A Wandsworth Fringe Festival Grants Clinic will be held on November 25. Find out more at wandsworthfringe.com or call the arts team on (020) 8871 8711. The deadline for Fringe grant applications is December 7.

September 5, 2015