Postal Vote Deadline

Ballot papers must be in by 10pm on polling day

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People who have requested postal votes for this week’s European Parliamentary and local council elections are being reminded to mail them to the town hall as quickly as possible.

Postal voters are being advised not to leave it until the last minute before returning their ballot papers.

The elections are being held this week - on Thursday, May 22 - if these votes are not received before 10pm on polling day they won't be counted. You can hand your postal vote in at any polling station in your ward or at the town hall right up until 10pm on Thursday.

For more information email the electoral services team at or call (020) 8871 6023.

People born in this country, along with citizens of qualifying Commonwealth countries, plus those from the European Union and British Overseas territories are all eligible to vote in the local council elections.

Residents who are eligible to vote in the European elections include British citizens, those of qualifying Commonwealth countries and also British overseas territories.

Citizens of other EU countries, apart from Ireland, Malta or Cyprus, can only vote in the UK’s poll if they have already applied to do so – otherwise they are expected to vote in their country of birth.

For more information about who is eligible to vote visit

May 20, 2014