New Cabinet Sets Out Priorities | |||
Concentrating on jobs, housing, education and low tax
Ravi Govindia has been re-elected as leader of Wandsworth Council. He has named his new cabinet team which will see him take charge of the regeneration portfolio along with his leadership responsibilities. Major improvements to Nine Elms, Wandsworth Town, the Alton Estate and the Winstanley and York Road Estates will be central to his role. “These are exciting times for the Brighter Borough. The incredible potential of Nine Elms and Wandsworth Town is now being realised and we have launched new services, like our Work Match recruitment team, to ensure local people share in this growth. Transport, including bringing the Tube to Battersea, will remain a priority. " He also promised to stand up for people in the private rented sector saying that young professionals should be allowed to put down in the borough without having to buy the home they live in. Jonathan Cook continues as deputy leader and takes control of the community services portfolio. His immediate priorities include overseeing repairs to Putney Bridge. Kathy Tracey continues as cabinet member for education and children services. A major focus will be the creation of a new primary school for Earlsfield at the Atheldene Centre site. Paul Ellis remains in charge of the housing portfolio where he will oversee the roll out of a new fiber-optic broadband network across council owned blocks. James Maddan remains in post as cabinet member for adult care and health and Guy Senior retains responsibility for finance and corporate resources. Stephi Sutters is promoted to chief whip with responsibility for communication. The total number of cabinet posts has been reduced from nine to seven. Sarah McDermott becomes the new chairman of the planning applications committee. Caroline Usher will chair the licensing committee and Peter Dawson will chair the general purpose committee. The opposition group has re-elected Rex Osborn as their leader and Leonie Cooper as deputy leader. You can read the full agenda for the annual meeting of the council online.