Housing Office Moves To Putney Bridge Rd | |||
Making space for regeneration scheme in Wandsworth town centre
The council says that moving the housing department’s offices and public reception to Putney Bridge Road has paved the way for a major new regeneration scheme in the heart of Wandsworth town centre. The housing department recently vacated its former 1960s office block at the top end of Garrratt Lane, near the junction with Wandsworth High Street. And the freeing up of space in Garratt Lane means that a redevelopment scheme can now move forward that will provide 200 new homes, a better library, new shops and improved teaching facilities for South Thames College. The scheme will see the replacement of three outdated high rise buildings on directly adjacent sites fronting Garratt Lane and Wandsworth High Street with four new high quality buildings, designed by award-winning architects, that range in height from four to 26-storeys.
The library will open out onto a new public square with seating and a play space for under fives. The scheme will also bring new investment to the Old Burial Ground open space, including new public art, landscaping and seating. A quarter of the 200 new homes (25 per cent) are to be offered to eligible local residents to rent or buy at a discounted rate. The scheme was awarded planning consent in July and now that the housing office move has been completed, work is expected to start early in the new year. The redevelopment of this large site is yet another key element in the regeneration of the town centre. Other schemes include the ongoing revival of the Southside Shopping Centre with a flagship Debenhams store due to open this week, plus large scale projects at the Wandsworth Business Village, Ram Brewery site, Lyon House and The Filaments in Buckhold Road. The council and Transport for London are also drawing up proposals to redesign the Wandsworth one way system which will remove through traffic from the high street and create better space for pedestrians.
“These schemes represent one of the biggest regeneration projects in London with well over £1bn of new investment flowing through the area. Hundreds of new jobs and homes are being created here alongside major improvements to the local environment.”