Make Sure Your Vote Counts | |||
Council reminds residents to make sure their name is on the electoral register
With both local council and European Parliamentary elections being held next month now is the time for all eligible voters to guarantee they can take part by making sure their name is on the electoral register. People born in this country, along with citizens of qualifying Commonwealth countries, plus those from the European Union and British Overseas territories are all eligible to vote in the local council elections that are being held on Thursday, May 22. To cast their ballot in these local elections, people who are eligible must ensure they are registered to vote by midnight on May 6. There is a 5pm deadline the following day, May 7 for people wanting to request a postal vote. This date also applies to anyone who wants to cancel an existing postal vote or proxy facility, and requires a signed letter confirming this stating that you no longer wish to vote in this way. Most people's names will already be on the register following last autumn's annual canvass, but if they did not fill in the forms they were sent then, or if they have moved into the borough recently or switched addresses from another Wandsworth property since autumn 2013, their name may not be on the list. To join the register, double check that they are already included or to apply for a postal vote residents should call (020) 8871 6023 or email The same checks should also be carried out by those who wish to vote in the European elections which are also being staged on May 22. Those who are eligible to vote in this election include British citizens, those of qualifying Commonwealth countries and also British overseas territories. Citizens of other EU countries, apart from Ireland, Malta or Cyprus, will only be able to vote in the UK’s poll if they have applied to do so – otherwise they would be expected to vote in their country of birth. Those who wish to vote in the UK must fill in a form that is available on the council’s website. The deadline for returning this form to Wandsworth town hall is midnight on Tuesday, May 6. Polling cards for both elections will be hand delivered to all eligible voters by Monday, April 21. These will provide information and a map showing which local polling station they should use. For more information about registering and details of who is eligible to vote visit April 15, 2014 |