Tube Union Announces Two Day Strike

Industrial action planned for 14th-16th October

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There are to be two days of industrial action by the members of the RMT Union. They plan to strike from the evening of Tuesday 14th October to the evening of Thursday 16th October.

The union say that they are striking due to a lack of progress in on-going talks over Transport for London's plans to save £50 million per annum by closing ticket offices and reducing staffing at stations. This will be the third in a series of strikes about this issue.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said, “The cuts, currently being bulldozed through, would de-staff whole areas of the tube system at a time of surging passenger demand and would make evacuation and other basic safety procedures a physical impossibility. The axing of ticket offices and station staffing grades would render the tube a no-go zone for many people with disabilities and for women travelling alone. The cuts ignore the realities of life that we saw when services broke down last week and the recent surveys which point to an increase in violence and sexual assaults."

We have asked TfL for comment and await a reply.


October 7, 2014