Richard Tracey becomes Chairman of London Waste & Recycling Board
Merton & Wandsworth Assembly Member and former environment minister, Richard Tracey is the new chairman of the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWaRB), appointed by Mayor Boris Johnson. His new role runs from 11 August to 7 May 2016.
The AM for Merton and Wandsworth was an MP for 14 years, served as environment minister in the Thatcher Government, and was also a member of the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee.
As LWARB chair he will spend at least a day a week working for the board which has £26.3m of funding at its disposal for the next four years.
Richard Tracey says:
"My priorities over the coming Mayoral term will be i) to bring LWARB’s existing committed infrastructure projects to financial close, and to develop a new pipeline of innovative projects making LWARB ultimately financially self - sufficient. In the meantime I will assist in seeking to supplement our existing funds with new sources of funding: ii) to help London’s waste authorities deliver efficiencies: and iii) to maintain the improvement in London’s recycling rate. I hope that what we do will make a significant contribution to the London economy, and creating jobs and training opportunities for Londoners."
What is the role?
The job description drawn up by LWARB said that chairman is required to:
Lead the overall strategic direction of LWaRB within the policy and resources framework determined by the Mayor of London’s Municipal Waste Management Strategy and Spatial Development Plan (the London Plan)
Promote the LWaRB’s vision, values and culture and to help ensure the implementation of the Board’s Business Plan
Provide strategic leadership in decisions on the allocation of the London Waste and Recycling Fund (LWARB)
July 30, 2012