Gardening Course For Stroke Sufferers

A 12 week programme to improve their health

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Thrive Seeks Volunteers For Garden


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The aim of the course is to help stroke survivors improve their mental and physical health by working with horticultural therapists in Thrive’s Battersea Park Garden. Thrive is a charity that help disabled, ill and vulnerable people through gardening therapy.

Gardening helps build up muscle strength and stamina, improve balance, mobility and confidence, and develop cognitive skills and memory – as well as providing a fun, social environment. People on the course will also learn the skills they need to carry on gardening after the end of the 12 weeks.

The Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group made up of local GPs is funding the programme. The CCG works with the council’s public health team to help develop services for people who have suffered a stroke in Wandsworth.

The programme starts in January. If you would like to join, contact Ellen Swygart on (020) 7720 2212 or email

November 21, 2015