Eight Year Old Ishan Receives Honorary Pin

From Mayor of Wandsworth for 'voluntary contribution to the community'

Ishan with Mayor Knowles
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Ishan was hugely surprised and totally delighted to be chosen by the Mayor to receive the special Wandsworth honorary pin for his voluntary contribution to the community. He said it was “totally awesome” and that he “could not wait to show Daddy and everyone else. . .”

Ishan raised over £500 for WoW Kids when he ran the £2k run in Battersea Park back in March. He was only 7 at the time.

Ishan is in the Charity Committee at Newton Prep where he goes to school. He has been chosen to be the “Chair” of WoW Kids which is a sub group from the Women of Wandsworth (WoW Mums) who help less fortunate children and their families to improve their lives.

Senia Dedic the Chair of WoW said: “I am extremely proud of Ishan and he truly deserves this pin. Ishan is a shining example to his peers and the honour he has received is sure to motivate other youngsters to follow in his path of volunteering in the community.”

May 15, 2013

May 17, 2013