SW London Mental Health Consultation Deadline Looms |
Deciding future location for mental health inpatient facilities
Service users, carers, family members and everyone with an interest in mental health care are urged to take the time to respond to the consultation and ensure their views are heard. A number of proposals are outlined for inpatient and community based services provided by South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust (SWLSTG). The consultation is seeking views on the future use of facilities at Springfield Hospital in Tooting, Tolworth Hospital in Kingston and Queen Mary’s Hospital in Roehampton. The consultation is also considering a range of specialist mental health inpatient services serving a wider catchment area. The aim is to enhance the quality of clinical care, improve the experience for service users and carers, while bringing the Trust into line with current guidance and best practice. The consultation has already heard from interested parties and service users during a series of dedicated public meetings and a webinar. “These plans will ensure that local people who need mental health care as an inpatient will receive their care in the very best and most up-to-date facilities – now and well into the future.” December 19, 2014 |