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Get help to quit smoking this Stoptober
Stoptober, the biggest stop smoking challenge of its kind, is next month and people who smoke in Wandsworth are urged to sign up now. “The reason that prompted me to stop this time was the fact that I have two beautiful children who deserve a healthy father; I also have a friend who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Now I feel proud, healthier, happier, motivated, relaxed, changed and, best all, surprised.” Launched in 2012, Stoptober is the 28-day stop smoking challenge that encourages and supports smokers across England towards quitting for good. Last year, more than 550 people in Wandsworth pledged to stub out their cigarette habit as part of the campaign. Dr Charlotte Levitt, a local GP and one of the leads for Respiratory services at NHS Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said local people can sign up to Stoptober now and start preparing to quit smoking from 1 October: Director of public health for Wandsworth Council, Houda Al-Sharifi, said: Evidence shows that people who stop smoking for 28 days are five times more likely to stay smoke-free and, as well as improving their health could save almost £2,000 a year. For residents who want help quitting, personalised stop smoking support, such as drop-in clinics and specialist advice in pharmacies and GP surgeries, is available borough-wide. As an added incentive, this year Stoptober coincides with the introduction of a new law that bans smoking in any car or other vehicle carrying a child under 18. Anyone caught doing so will be handed an on-the-spot fine of £50 by the police. It will also be illegal to sell e-cigarettes or refills to anyone under 18, or for anyone to purchase them on their behalf. For personalised support in quitting smoking visit the Wandsworth Stop Smoking Service website or call the 24 hour helpline on 0800 389 7921. Users of e-cigarettes are welcome to access this service for support. No appointment is required for support to quit smoking at following drop-in sessions: Queen Mary’s Hospital Cardiology unit, Roehampton Lane, Roehampton - Tuesdays 10am-3pm