Deadline Approaches For By-Election Proxy Applications | |||
For those who are unable to get to the polling station on 29th March
Eligible voters who are away on business or a holiday, or have a disability or illness that prevents them from getting to their polling station on the day can apply for a proxy vote. Applications for a proxy vote must be received in the town hall by 5pm on Wednesday, March 21. People who request this option must ensure that their proxy is able to attend their polling station on March 29. Polling stations will be open that day between 7am and 10pm. Any person who becomes physically or medically incapacitated after the March 21 deadline can still apply for a proxy vote, but their application will require signed medical certification and will have to be submitted by the proxy in person at the town hall before 5pm on polling day. Proxy vote application forms are now available from the electoral services reception in the town hall. The entrance is in Fairfield Street and the reception is open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Application forms can also be downloaded from the council's website at Alternatively people can call (020) 8871 6023 or email Those who are eligible to vote in this by-election include people born in this country, along with citizens of qualifying Commonwealth countries, plus those from the European Union and British overseas territories. The by-election in Southfields is being held following the resignation of Cllr Lucy Allan. Six candidates are standing for election to the council. Abid Choudry has been nominated as an Independent candidate, Kim Caddy for the Conservative Party, Josh Kaile for the Labour Party, Bruce Mackenzie for the Green Party, Strachan McDonald for the UK Independence Party and John Munro for the Liberal Democrats
March 6th, 2012 |