Putney Samaritans Talk To Wimbledon Passengers

As part of the charity’s month long #TalkToUs campaign

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The campaign aims to let people know that anyone can talk to Samaritans round the clock, every day of the year, about whatever’s bothering them.

Putney Samaritans’ branch director, Shona Synnott, said that the station visit was designed to highlight the range of support that volunteers offer and the work they do in the wider community.

“Events such as the one we held at Wimbledon station help to raise awareness that anyone can contact Samaritans, 24/7, about whatever’s on their mind – by phone, email, text or by talking to a volunteer face-to-face in a branch.”

Network Rail’s head of media campaigns, Kate Snowden, says working together with Samaritans creates opportunities for more people to reach out for support:
“More than 4.5m people travel by rail every day. We’re proud to support events such as these which raise awareness of Samaritans’ vital service, which helps people see that there is support available, and take steps to talk through their problems and find a way through.”

Mark Smith, head of the Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Unit at British Transport Police said:
“These sorts of events show how the ‘railway family’ is united in its support for the work that Samaritans does to help people, wherever they are from and whatever’s troubling them. We work closely with Samaritans and Network Rail to ensure our officers are not only aware of the advice and support available, but also able to offer a degree of support on the frontline.”

Each month Putney Samartians (which covers all of South West London) hold an information event where anyone interested in volunteering as a Samaritan can come along to find out more about the work they do, the services they offer and how to get involved. The next information event will be on Tuesday 11 August from 7.30pm to 9.30pm (arrive 7.15pm for refreshments) at 14 Princeton Court, 53/55 Felsham Road, Putney, London, SW15 1AZ. There is no need to book in advance, just come along.

Help spread the word about #TalkToUs by following Samaritans on Twitter @samaritans or facebook www.facebook.com/samaritanscharity

July 20, 2015