Disappointing Exam Results?

Putney Samaritans are here for you



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Exam results are out this month and will affect an estimated three million young people in England and Wales.

If anyone is struggling because of exam results, or worried about a friend or relative, Samaritans is here round the clock, every day of the year.

Getting the results you hoped for can be great, but it can be very difficult if the unexpected happens. Plans for the future such as university or college can feel as if they have been scuppered overnight and it can be hard to see a way forward.

The friends and family of the young people involved can also feel the knock-on effects of worrying about results and the consequences of dashed hopes. Talking this through can help everyone deal with the situation.

“Samaritans volunteers are here round the clock, every day of the year for anyone who is struggling to cope after the AS and A level results. We keep conversations private and we won’t judge,” said Shona Synnott, Branch Director at Putney Samaritans.

“As well as calling the helpline, you can contact us via SMS, send an email or you can come to your local branch and talk to a volunteer face-to-face if that’s what you would prefer. “

Samaritans volunteers also carry out outreach work in their branch areas and are available at Festivals, in some city centres at weekends and sixth forms and further education colleges.

For more information visit www.samaritans.org/branches/putney-samaritans


August 19, 2015