Empty tin recovered in Lebanon Gardens
Staff at the local Sally Army shop are devastated by the theft last Saturday of the poppy collection tin which had been chained to the till. Removal would have meant using metal cutters and therefore been premeditated.
Manager Richard Baggley said:
"To say we are gutted is putting it mildly, but the public response has been magnificent with cash still coming in and even people on Twitter asking for our address so they can send cheques."
Since Monday over £150 pounds have been donated. Based on the average collection over past years the staff believe that tin would have contained around £100.
Wandsworth Borough Commander David Chinchen told PutneySW15.com:
"Many people, like me, will find it appalling that someone should choose to steal from those who do such good work in our community and at a time when we remember those who have lost their lives in conflict. We should never become immune to this or accept it as the norm."
If you saw anything or know anything please call 101.
Latest Salvation Army Appeal:
With Christmas fast approaching the shop has started the annual appeal for toys & games. If you have any thing to donate they do
not have to be new just "complete" - and not wrapped as the shop needs to know the relevant age group that they apply to. The donations will be delivered to local families at Christmas. If you have a large amount or if you are a shop donating excess stock please call the shop who will try to arrange collection.
November 20, 2012