Works Begin On Railway Bridge Ramps

Giving easier access to alternative route from Putney to Fulham

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Work begins today (5th August) on installing the cycle ramps on the Deodar Road footbridge across the Thames in Putney.

When completed cyclists, who will have to dismount to cross, will be able to permanently use it. The work, which will only take a few days, was prompted by Thamesfield Councillor Rosemary Torrington, who had been seeking it for a long time and then used the opportunity of the main Putney Bridge closure to urge council officers and Transport for London to install the ramps to ease pressure on the temporary main bridge crossing. The work will cost about £8,000 but TfL has waived its usual £5,000 fee to facilitate the project.

Councillor Torrington said: "This will be a great help for cyclists, both now during the main closure and in the future. As a cyclist myself I was keen to help."


August 5, 2014