Ramps Coming To Fulham - Putney Railway Bridge

Giving easier access to alternative route from Putney to Fulham

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Fulham Railway Bridge

Putney Bridge Shut For Summer
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Commuters both pedestrian and cyclists, are struggling to cross Putney Bridge on the one pavement open to them whilst the bridge is closed for re-surfacing for a minimum of three months.

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There is an alternative using the pathway along the underground railway bridge, accessed via Deodar Road in Putney and by Ranelagh Gardens in Fulham, but currently that is not easy access for cyclists as there numerous steps.

However a spokesman for Wandsworth Council told PutneySW15 that they have:
"Received the okay from London Underground  Ltd, which owns this bridge, giving us permission to install a cycle ramp up the stairs of the bridge so that cyclists can wheel their bikes up the staircase instead of having to carry them.  Once at the top of the stairs cyclists will be able to ride across the bridge, if they would prefer to do that rather than wheel their bikes across Putney Bridge    

He continued:
" We have been asking LUL for permission to do this work for some time and after some delay, they have now said yes. The ramps should be ready to use within the next week to ten day."

This has been confirmed by Assembly Member Richard Tracey:
"A couple of weeks ago I brought together senior TfL management and the councillors for Thamesfield ward, who have been campaigning for a ramp for some time now. The project for a ramp has all been agreed and should be in place very soon to help cyclists to follow an alternative route across the river.


July 16, 2014