Girls Take On Sciences & Languages – And Triumph

As Putney High School celebrates outstanding GCSE results

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SW15 6BH
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Putney High School is today celebrating outstanding GCSE results, with more than 88% of entries achieving A* or A grades. Almost two thirds of girls secured at least 10 A* or A grades, and 30% earned at least 11 A* or As. Five girls achieved 12 A* or As. Five students achieved all A* grades.

The van confirms PHS girls 'Cream of the crop"

In the three sciences, some 93% of entries achieved an A* or A grade. In Chemistry, almost three quarter of all entries earned an A*. Every one of the 81 girls in the year sat separate exams in all three sciences.

Overall in Languages, more than 92% of entries achieved A* or A grade. More than one third of the cohort chose to study Chinese, with 97% of those entries earning an A* grade. In both French and Spanish more than 93% of entries were A* - A, with Spanish achieving 80% A* and French earning 70% A*. Latin achieved 100% A* - A, with 75% A*.

In English, almost two thirds of entries were A* with 93% A*-A grade. In English Literature, 95% were A* - A grade. Other subjects achieving outstanding results included DT (94% A*-A grade); Music (94% A* -A); PE (100% A* – A) and Religious Studies (92% A*-A). In all, almost two thirds of all subjects achieved over 90% A* or A grades.

Headmistress Dr Denise Lodge said:
“I’m delighted for our students. These results reflect the smart working and edgy thinking of both girls and staff. We encourage girls to challenge concepts and put their thinking alongside that of academics, scientific researchers, business and the law: careers that they will enter in just a few years’ time. Our curriculum enables breadth in all Sciences and Modern Foreign Languages. All girls spend one year studying each of our four MFL before making choices pre-GCSE. Our Sciences and MFL approach means it is ‘access all areas’ for future A Level and then degree studies. The girls are now eager to start their A Level studies in our faAugust 26, 2013

August 22, 2013