Encouraging residents to get involved with local NHS services
Dear Sir or Madam
I recently joined the Governing Board of NHS Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as the lay member with specific responsibility for patient and public involvement. My job is to make sure that the views and voices of people in Wandsworth help to shape the healthcare services offered in our borough.
We all need NHS services in different ways and at different times in our lives. We may well have a variety of experiences of healthcare – some excellent, and some not so good. What is important is that your readers’ local views are shared and heard and that those responsible for local healthcare are responsive and make the necessary changes and improvements.
There are many ways Wandsworth residents can get involved. For instance, most local practices have a Patient Participation Group (PPG) which welcome patient involvement; joining details are available from local surgeries.
Residents can also join Healthwatch Wandsworth, which is part of the national group of Healthwatch organisations set up by Parliament to represent patients.
And of course, residents are always welcome to attend one of the monthly CCG board meetings, which are open to the public. If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved, do email me on ppi@wandsworthccg.nhs.uk.
I hope your readers will take an interest and get involved. I’ve lived in Wandsworth for over 40 years and I know we have a proud history of taking part and effecting positive change in Wandsworth and beyond.
Carol Varlaam
Lay member, NHS Wandsworth CCG
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