Wandsworth PC Nominated For Bravery Award

Londoners are being invited to choose the 2015 winner of the bravest act of police work

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PC Mugarura

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A PC from Wandsworth is one of eight nominations have been put forward this year, demonstrating the heroic actions of Met officers who went above and beyond the call of duty to save lives and catch criminals.

Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, said: "We have some outstanding candidates for this year’s bravery award. All would make very worthy winners. Such remarkable acts of professionalism and selfless acts of bravery are often carried out in the Metropolitan Police Service, but rarely remarked upon. These awards give us the opportunity to recognise and celebrate the courage of some of our officers, in saving lives and tackling armed and dangerous criminals.

On Monday, 23 December, PC Winston Mugarura was off-duty in the West End when he witnessed a group of ten males chasing a lone male in Charring Cross road. His police instinct kicked in and he followed the group into a nearby street where he was confronted by the awful sight of the group repeatedly kicking and stamping on the lone man.

Despite having no police radio or means to defend himself, PC Mugarura felt morally and professionally compelled to intervene. He ran into the group and desperately tried to shield the man being attacked. In doing so, he was struck by the blows of the group who ignored his pleas to stop. Two members of the public attempted to assist PC Mugarura but were unsuccessful.

Eventually, PC Mugarura managed to scramble the injured man away to safety. The group of men then dispersed. Moments later, the officer heard a woman screaming. He gave basic first aid, left the injured man in a place of safety and ran to the source of the scream. When he arrived he found two women suffering from assault related injuries. One of the women suffered terrible injuries in the unprovoked attack by the same group of men. Witnesses described the group as acting "like a pack of hungry wolves."

PC Mugarura knew that the group had to be stopped. He left both women in the care of bystanders who came to assist and chased after the group. He did this despite being outnumbered and the obvious risk to his own wellbeing.

Once he located the group, the officer detained the ringleader and held onto him as he desperately fought to break free. He then arrested this man on suspicion of GBH. Three other culprits were also brought to PC Mugarura by attending officers and he was able to positively identify them, resulting in their subsequent arrest for GBH offences.

The Outstanding Bravery of the Year award is just one of the Met Commissioner's Excellence in Total Policing Awards which recognise the breadth of bravery and professionalism across the Metropolitan Police Service. The awards categories are wide-ranging and accolades will be given to officers, special constables, volunteers and staff.


January 13, 2016