Lib Dems Hold Second Demo Picnic

Public braved the rain to attend second annual ‘No Heathrow expansion’ protest

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Local Liberal Democrats held their second annual ‘No Heathrow expansion’ protest picnic on Saturday, organised by Robin Meltzer - Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesperson for Richmond Park and North Kingston. Many braved the rain to join the protest picnic on Richmond Green to demonstrate Richmond’s continued objection to any Heathrow expansion.

Several speakers joined the large crowd including Ed Davey, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change and MP for Kingston & Surbiton, who was worried that a 4th rumoured runway would lead to increased noise pollution for all South West London residents including over his own constituency.

Also speaking was Baroness Sarah Ludford - Member of European Parliament for London, Cllr Stephen Knight – London Assembly Member and Richmond Councillor, Robin Meltzer – Parliamentary Spokesperson for Richmond Park & North Kingston and winner of “The Clean Air in London Award” 2013, as well as representatives from HACAN ClearSkys and The Richmond Heathrow Campaign.

With top Conservatives like the Chancellor George Osbourne and Tim Yeo, chairman of the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee, Lib Dems are the only government party who are united against Heathrow Expansion both locally and nationally. Those attending the protest picnic called on David Cameron to publically rule out both a 3rd and 4th runway at Heathrow airport.

Robin Meltzer (pictured left) said: “The fact that, even in such awful weather, so many people still turned out to show their support for the campaign against Heathrow expansion speaks volumes for the strength of feeling on this issue. The Liberal Democrats have stopped the third runway being built in this Parliament despite enormous pressure from senior Conservatives in Westminster.

“We are also committed to ending night flights and protecting runway alternation. Residents deserve to finally have Heathrow expansion taken off the table – for good.”

April 17, 2013

April 19, 2013