LGBT Forum Looking For New Recruits

Wandsworth Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) looking to expand

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Wandsworth Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) Forum are looking for new people to expand the group and also committee members to get involved in some exciting events this year. This includes supporting us at Clapham Street Party next month. The group is looking for LGBT people who live, work or socialise in Wandsworth, from 18 to 100!

David Robson, Chair of the forum says: “We are very proactive in campaigning on LGBT issues in Wandsworth. Over the last couple of years we have helped set up and fund an LGBT youth club, supported projects like Gendered Intelligence, organised many community events like LGBT History Month and promoted campaigns against same sex domestic violence and homophobic bullying in schools.

“We also work with the police, council and health services as a critical friend, making sure the views and needs of the LGBT community are taken into account in services in the borough. For example, we recently fed back during a consultation to the council’s Adult Social Services department to raise the profile of elderly care for LGBT people.”

The forum is surveying the local LGBT community over the coming weeks to find out people's views. Visit their website to fill in the quick survey and give us your views on what is important to you.

Anyone can get involved as much or as little as they want, join us on facebook, attend our meetings, send us your views or come along to events. We also have vacancies on the committee for people from the LGBT community to volunteer any skills they have for specific committee roles.

To find out more call or text us today on 07772 106 540 or email

June 7, 2012