Public Meeting On Heathrow Expansion

8pm on Thursday 27th November at St Mary's Church Putney

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The event will be a chance to have your say on the plans and to hear from senior airport officials and leading aviation campaigners. Members of the audience are encouraged to arrive slightly before 8pm to find a seat in time for the debate.

Earlier this month a public meeting took place examining the case for Gatwick expansion.

Gatwick and Heathrow are the only airports now being considered for expansion by the Government’s Airports Commission. A consultation is now underway to test the public’s views of these rival proposals.

• Ravi Govindia, Wandsworth Council Leader
• Justine Greening, Putney MP
• John Stewart, Chair, HACAN
• Matt Gorman, Sustainability & Environment Director, Heathrow Airport
• Kevin Harman, Heathrow Hub

Justine Greening MP said: “The Airports Commission has now published its final three options for airport expansion. We have already heard from Gatwick and this week we will have the opportunity to hear from Heathrow and Heathrow Hub about their plans. These will obviously have a much bigger impact on us as a local community and so it is really important that we have as much information as possible. I hope as many people as possible can come along so that we can make a well informed contribution to the consultation process.”

Cllr Ravi Govindia said:“We now know Sir Howard Davies will recommend either Heathrow or Gatwick for expansion at some point after next year’s General Election. All other options have been ruled out. This choice could have a profound impact on the quality of life in Wandsworth and on the future of our transport system.

Cllr Govindia concluded:“If you are concerned with the aviation debate then I urge you to attend. This is a chance to learn more about the scheme, question the airport officials and to find out what you can do to influence this important decision.”

November 26, 2014