Public Meetings On Gatwick & Heathrow Expansion

The second public meetings to discuss their plans for extra airport capacity

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Justine Greening MP said:
“The Airports Commission will recommend next year whether to build a new runway at one of these airports and will be consulting the public on the options. It’s important that our local community has the opportunity to get as much detail as possible about what it will mean for our area and to make our views known.”

The second meeting will be held on Thursday 27 November at 8pm, also at St Mary’s, when representatives from Heathrow and Heathrow Hub together with the Chair of HACAN, John Stewart, will be speaking.

Justine said:
“Aircraft noise is a big issue for us locally. I’ve campaigned on it for many years and I want to continue to ensure that our local community’s voice is heard. I hope as many people as possible will come along to these meetings so I look forward to seeing local residents there.”

November 21, 2014