Hounslow Council To Be Asked To Clarify Stance On Airport | |||||
Green Party and others claim Council has changed position on expasion
Councillor Peter Thompson, leader of the Conservative grouping on Hounslow Council is to ask Councillor Amrit Mann, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment to clarify the Council's stance on Heathrow Airport. At next Tuesday's meeting ( Sept 15) of the Council, he will ask: “Would the Cabinet Member for the Environment reassure residents of Hounslow that the Council’s position on saying “No” to Heathrow Expansion remains unchanged?" The Green Party has joined forces with campaign groups at Heathrow, Gatwick and others in the South East and London to say “no new runways” Hounslow Green Party has said it is closely following the issue due to its consequences on air pollution, noise pollution, traffic disruptions and effects on residents quality of life. "As it is, Hounslow is in a key position to attract investment into the Borough as it has such an strategic position next to the airport, we cannot see what is to be gain from a third runway. " Saturday 12 September the Green Party has organised a big debate event against airport expansion . Speakers include: Sian Berry, the London Mayoral Candidate for the Greens, Jonathan Essex (South East Green Party chair); John Stewart, Hacan,Dr Alice Bows-Larkin (Tyndall Centre); Christine Taylor (Stop Heathrow Expansion); Brendon Sewill (Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign); Leo Murray (A Free Ride); Greenpeace; Asad Rehman (Friends of the Earth); Dr Doug Parr, Greenpeace and ; Dr Rupert Read (Green Party transport spokesperson). This autumn MPs are being asked to choose between expanding Heathrow (favoured by the Airports Commission) or Gatwick airports. Campaign partners include: Hacan; Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign; Stop Heathrow Expansion; Airport Watch; CAGNE; Friends of the Earth; Greenpeace September 11, 2015 |