Third Runway Decision May Be Delayed

Report due at the end of June but final ruling could be postponed

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Anti-Heathrow expansion pressure group is claiming that the Government is set to postpone the decision on new runways in the South East until the end of the year.  They say opposition in cabinet is forcing a delay in the announcement.

The report of the Airports Commission, which will recommend a new runway at either Heathrow or Gatwick, is expected to be published at the end of this month but there is increasing speculation that the Government may delay its decision until shortly before Christmas.

John Stewart, chair of HACAN, which campaigns against a third runway at Heathrow, said, “We can only speculate why the Government is delaying its decision but it is known that there is considerable opposition to Heathrow expansion in the Cabinet with at least five Ministers opposed to a third runway”

Stewart added, “Business will not welcome the uncertainty but it will also mean continued blight for local residents faced with the threat of their homes being demolished or those who face the prospect of living under a new flight path.”

The claims come a day after Richmond MP Zac Goldsmith announced that he is looking to become the Conservative candidate for Mayor of London.  Goldsmith is well-known as a staunch opponent of a third runway.

June 10, 2015