Don't Forget To Have Your Say

Airports Commission consultation closes tomorrow

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View the consultation documents and have your say online

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Local MP Justine Greening today urged local residents to respond to the Airports Commission consultation on airport expansion which closes tomorrow, Tuesday 3 February.

Justine said: “Lots of constituents have already responded and I would urge everyone to have their say so that as a community we can get our concerns about aircraft noise across. You can email your concerns directly to the Airports Commission at If you’re short of time, just give your opinion on the first question which asks people for their views on the three options for expansion – Gatwick, or the two Heathrow options. ”

The Commission will report back with its recommendation later this year and if you would like to be kept in touch with what is happening on airport expansion please email me at

Leader of Wandsworth Council Cllr Govindia said:
“We need as many people as possible to put their views on the record. Just a short email to register your opposition or support for these plans could make all the difference.

“The quiet enjoyment of our homes, parks and gardens is hanging in the balance and I appeal to everyone who lives in Wandsworth to make their views heard before it is too late. If Heathrow is selected there will be a vast increase in the number of planes flying low over Wandsworth every day. There are proposals to create new flightpaths which would cut across parts of our borough which have never been affected before.

“Those already under the flightpaths in Battersea, Wandsworth Town, Putney and Roehampton also face an increase in overhead planes and today’s limited noise respite protection could be diminished.

The council is supporting Gatwick's bid for expansion. Cllr Givindia said:
“If Gatwick is selected our borough will not face any additional aircraft noise but it will see new investment in the rail network and a major boost for Clapham Junction’s economy. There is cross-party support for Gatwick expansion on the council and I hope local residents back this project in their responses.”

You may also find the following summary papers prepared by HACAN useful:


February 2, 2015