"Third Runway At Heathrow Would Be A Disaster" |
Motion calls for London Assembly to “strongly disagree” with 3rd Runway The following motion has been proposed in the name of Tony Arbour, Conservative London Assembly Member and will be seconded by Conservative Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth Richard Tracey. “This Assembly strongly disagrees with the Shadow Chancellor's assertion that the Government should agree to the building of a 3rd runway at Heathrow Airport.” Speaking before the plenary meeting of the Assembly where the motion would be debated Mr Tracey said: “I have consistently said a third runway at Heathrow would be a disaster. I felt it important at this point to ask the Assembly to go on the public record against any expansion of the airport which would cause significant further disturbance for the residents I represent. The government should be looking at supporting further airport expansion in the east as proposed by the Mayor. ”
October 10, 2013