Keep Safe In The Heat

Advice from Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group (GPs) & the council

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People are being urged to look out for neighbours, and take extra care of their children, babies and older members of their family as Wandsworth Council and GPs work to protect vulnerable people from the heatwave.

The Met Office has issued a Level 3 heatwave warning, and the hot weather looks set to last at least another week. This means very young and older people, those with long-term illnesses and other vulnerable people could be in danger.

Council social workers and housing staff are working with residents in sheltered housing, users of the council’s Watch and Telecare Services, people with long-term illnesses and other vulnerable residents to ensure they are safe. They have given advice about staying cool on home visits, over the phone and on the online Adult Care Information Service.

Children’s centres and day centres are also getting advice on how to keep vulnerable adults and children safe. Special information is being given to Muslim residents via mosques and community leaders, especially as Muslim residents observe fasting in the holy month of Ramadan.

Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group, of which all 43 GP practices in Wandsworth are members, has sent information out to all GPs and practice nurses and is contacting older and isolated people to make sure they are safe.

Information and advice about looking after yourself and others is also available on the NHS website

Looks like me after my workout ;o) lol The council’s public health department is urging residents to look out for their elderly or vulnerable neighbours. They are advised to

• Read the advice issued by Public Health England, which can be found online at
• Take them water and/or a fan if necessary
• Ensure they are drinking plenty of water
• Ensure their heating is off and their home is ventilated.
• Suggest they take regular cool showers or baths, or at least an overall body wash.
• Advise them to wear light, loose cotton clothes.

Wandsworth director of public health, Houda Al-Sharifi said:
“While it’s lovely that most of us are enjoying the heat and the sunshine, the high temperatures during the night can be a danger for some of us – especially those over 75 living on their own and people with chronic and long-term illnesses.

“We are doing all we can to help, and we would urge everyone to make sure all members of the community are getting the help and advice they need to stay safe.”

July 18, 2013