Local MP fights 24 hour drinking proposals

Justine Greening speaks out against Government plans

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Justine Greening

Justine Greening

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Justine Greening, MP for Putney, Roehampton and Southfields is taking up the fight against proposals to extend the opening hours of pubs in residential areas.

Following a number of applications for late licenses at pubs including the Green Man on Putney Heath, the Grid Inn in Southfields and the Boat House Pub in Putney Wharf, Ms Greening said:

“I have been inundated with correspondence from constituents who are extremely concerned about the effect that extended opening hours will have on their neighbourhoods.

It is extremely frustrating that the views of our elected local council and of our community are being dictated to by national government. The new 24 hour drinking laws mean that applications are automatically approved unless residents object about issues of crime and disorder, public nuisance, public safety and protection of children from harm. This is completely unacceptable. Pub operators should have to justify their proposals to us, rather than residents having to justify their concerns to them.

Laws allowing 24 hour drinking will only add to our problems of anti-social behaviour and binge drinking which is why as residents we are absolutely right to express our deep concerns. Now that the Government has presented us with this problem I will do my very best, working alongside local councillors, to help achieve a favourable outcome for local residents”.




August 1, 2005