Garden Friends Needed

Age UK Wandsworth looking for volunteers

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Garden Friends is Age UK Wandsworth’s new gardening/befriending service that matches older people who are unable to maintain their gardens with a volunteer who can give just a few hours a month to provide basic gardening support as well as companionship, particularly if the older person is lonely and socially isolated.

In order for us to deliver this new service we need volunteers, particularly in the Putney area, who can give as little as one or two hours a month to visit an older person, carry out very basic gardening tasks for them, according to the time that has been requested and paid for, plus some additional time to develop a friendship and get to know their new garden friend.

Depending on the amount of time you can give you may be able to help with other simple tasks such as posting a letter or replenishing a bird feeder that an older person might find difficult to do them self.

If you would like to find out more please visit: or email Sue Sweeney, Garden Friends Coordinator

June 13, 2014