Innovative community messaging service provides news & information from local police
Neighbourhood Link, is a free service from the Met Police that enables local residents, businesses and those who work in the borough to regularly receive information from the police.
Those signing up to Neighbourhood Link will receive emails and text messages about crime and safety in the areas they sign up to.
Through Neighbourhood Link, Safer Neighbourhoods teams will keep recipients updated with local police activity, crime prevention advice and what they are doing to address community concerns and make Wandsworth borough one of the safest in London.
Wandsworth Borough Police Borough Commander, David Chinchen said:
“I’m delighted to launch Neighbourhood Link in Wandsworth borough. Feedback from other boroughs using Neighbourhood Link has been extremely positive and I would encourage anyone living, working or visiting Wandsworth Borough to sign up to Neighbourhood Link and receive information about local police activity and what we are doing to address community concerns."
Neighbourhood Link will also be used by other Metropolitan Police Service units to keep recipients informed in the event of a major incident impacting on London.
In order to receive messages, individuals will need to register their details. Registering is free of charge and will enable the police to send messages relevant to the areas where they live and work.
* What is Neighbourhood Link?
Neighbourhood Link is a community messaging service that enables you to receive messages from the Metropolitan Police Service containing news and information about policing activity or initiatives, crime prevention advice as well as major incidents affecting your area.
* What sort of information can I expect to receive?
Your Safer Neighbourhood Team will use the service to keep you updated with local police activity and crime prevention advice. We will also use this service to keep you informed in the event of a major incident impacting on London.
* How do I register?
Registration is free and simple to follow. To register you will need to provide us with information such as your contact details and the areas of London and subjects you would like to receive messages about.
* How does the service work?
Once you have registered you will begin to receive messages in relation to incidents or events impacting on London however you may not receive messages from your Safer Neighbourhood Team or other local police teams until the service is implemented in your borough. Your local Safer Neighbourhood Team will contact you to let you know when the service is introduced to your borough.
You will usually receive messages via email unless you have specified otherwise. On some occasions it may be appropriate for messages to be sent in other ways such as text message or voicemail. In order to make sure you are getting the most out of this service please do keep your details up to date, you can amend your details at any time.
* Can I unsubscribe?
You can unsubscribe from the service and discontinue receiving messages at any time. If you wish to provide feedback on this service please visit Your Voice Counts at or contact the Customer Service Unit on 020 7230 4737.
* Can I register for more than one area?
You can register for more than one area of London, for example you may wish to receive information for both the areas you live and work, or for the area you live and also where an elderly relative lives.
* What will using this service cost me?
There is no charge to people receiving messages through Neighbourhood Link.
* Who will have access to my personal information?
As part of the registration process you will be asked for some personal information including your contact details as well as the subject areas you are interested in. The information you provide will only be used by the Metropolitan Police Service. It will not be passed on to other organisations.
* Will other agencies use the service to send me messages?
All messages you receive will come from the Metropolitan Police Service. On some occasions we will send you messages on behalf of partner agencies from London Resilience in relation to major incidents or events impacting on London. Whilst we may use Neighbourhood Link to send messages on behalf of specific partner agencies your information will not be passed on to any other organisations.
* How secure are the data systems and who has access to them?
As part of the registration process recipients will be asked for some personal information including contact details as well as the subject areas they are interested in. The information provided will only be used by the Metropolitan Police Service; it will not be passed on to other organisations.
May 4, 2012