Commissioner Of Met Police Answers Questions From Residents

Questions on 'Stop and search' and racism in the Met were answered

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Police in Wandsworth

The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service,  Bernard Hogan-Howe visited Lambeth College on Wednesday 11 April to meet the communities of Wandsworth and Lambeth.

The Commissioner outlined his vision before taking questions, he was accompanied by Wandsworth Acting Borough Commander Paul McGregor and Lambeth Borough Commander Matt Bell.

The chair for the community event was Lambeth’s CPCG chair, Nick Mason who invited the Commissioner to explain his vision of policing in London and his ‘Total Policing’ ethos before taking questions from various community members.

Among the questions raised was stop and search where the Commissioner advised that he will provide more training for officers conducting stop and searches to reduce  disproportionally and improve how they are done. When asked about racism in the Met he strongly condemned the racist comments, alleged to have been made by one officer and advised he has made it clear to all his officers and staff where he stands on this issue so there can be no doubt.

After one suggestion by a member of public of placing cameras in police vehicles the Commissioner agreed that it is a good idea and one which he plans to carry out. While on another subject he illustrated his commitment to neighbourhood policing by promising to monitor the abstraction rate of Safer Neighbourhoods Teams for non-borough duties.

Wandsworth Acting Borough Commander Paul McGregor and Lambeth Borough Commander Matt Bell

He ended the event by thanking those that had attended and reminded the public of his commitment to making London a great and safe city.

April 13, 2012

April 13, 2012