Wandsworth Police Officers Honoured At Commendation Ceremony

Hosted by the Borough Commander, Chief Superintendent David Musker

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On Thursday 17 February 2011, Wandsworth police officers and members of the public were honoured at Imber Court, for their acts of professionalism, teamwork, bravery, courage and dedication to duty at a recent commendation ceremony.

Ch. Supt David Musker said,‘I am very proud of the achievements of all the recipients of this award and I am very privileged to be leading the team serving the communities of Wandsworth.’

1. PCSO Alan Rolls and PCSO Lorraine Mumford
Commended for “Outstanding courage, professionalism and dedication to duty which led to the arrest of a dangerous and violent offender.”

2. T/DC James Vinnicombe, T/DC Karen Matthews, T/DC Viran Wiltshire and retired DC Bob Eager
Commended for “Courage, tenacity and professionalism which led to protecting a victim of domestic violence.”

3. PC Redouane Haddouch and PC Faye Shurley
Commended for “Professionalism and tenacity in the arrest of an armed suspect and the recovery of a firearm.”

4. DI Cathy Page, DS Sacha Langan, T/DC Eleni Kontou, DC Janine Byne, A/DS Jenny McKinlay, PS Frank Brennan, PS Richard Cloke, PC Andy Wombell, PC David Farr, PCSO Dean Littlewood and PCSO Elizabeth De Chalain
DI Cathy Page Commended for “Leadership, detective ability and commitment during a complex and sensitive investigation leading to the arrest of a dangerous offender.”

DS Sacha Langan and T/DC Eleni Kontou Commended for “Detective ability and commitment during a complex and sensitive investigation leading to the arrest and conviction of a dangerous offender.”

DC Janine Byne and A/DS Jenny McKinlay Commended for “Detective ability, analytical support and commitment during a complex and sensitive investigation leading to the arrest and conviction of a dangerous offender.”

PS Frank Brennan, PS Richard Cloke, PC Andy Wombell, PC David Farr, PCSO Dean Littlewood and PCSO Elizabeth De Chalain Commended for “Commitment and reassurance to the community. Providing valuable support to a complex and sensitive investigation leading to the arrest and conviction of a dangerous offender.”

5. PC James Granville-Overton and PC Mark Toulson Commended for “Professionalism, resilience and commitment during a challenging situation, leading to the arrest and conviction of a dangerous offender.”

6. Bronwen Smewing, Mandy Sharkey, Liza Weatherhead, Phoebe Howard and Laura Valle
Commended for “Professionalism, dedication and commitment in providing Wandsworth Borough with a high level of HR service.”

7. PS Geoff Wiltshire, PS Ben Morrison, PS Jo Ramsay, PC Andy Stonhold and PC Allen Meehan
Commended for “Quick thinking, professionalism and dedication to duty which led to the arrest of males with a firearm and ammunition.”

8. Met Police Volunteers - Moira Knox, Audrey Chessell, Betty Mattes, Deep Patel, Nabil Sharif and Karen Bernard Commended for “Two years voluntary service to Wandsworth Borough and the Metropolitan Police Service. You have been an asset to the Borough.”

9. PC Martyn Dean, PC Vicky Webb, PC Andrew Garrard, PC Fay Wieteska, PC Hardeep Dhillon and MPSC Abs Jama Commended for “Outstanding professionalism and team work in saving a stabbing victim’s life and bringing the suspect to justice.”

10. PC Dave Buchanan, PC Alex Hattrick, PC Laurie Hocking, PC Redouane Haddouch and PC Jon Gustar Commended for “Professionalism, communication, team work and courage in identifying and arresting an armed suspect.”

11. Insp Simon Corbin, PS Nathan Shickle and PC Adam Kramer Commended for “Initiative, creativity and determination in developing the Borough’s digital media strategy.”

12. Insp Keith Gardner, PS Adrian Mitchell, PC Warren Dempster, PC Graham Duncan, PC Elizabeth Weeks and MPSC Pichai Rachasombat Insp Keith Gardner Commended for “Leadership, professionalism and resilience at the scene of a double chemical suicide.”

PS Adrian Mitchell Commended for “Leadership, resilience and team work at the scene of a double chemical suicide.”

PC Dempster, PC Duncan, PC Weeks and MPSC Rachasombat Commended for “Professionalism, resilience and team work at the scene of a double chemical suicide.”

13. PCSO Philip Parsons and PCSO Kevin McDermott Commended for “Outstanding tenacity, dedication to duty and professionalism which directly led to the arrest and conviction of members of a gang responsible for a series of robberies.”

14. DC Lyndsay Barnett Commended for “Professionalism, maturity and diligence throughout a sexual assault investigation, resulting in identification of the suspect.”

15. PC Grace Webb Commended for “Quick thinking and professional conduct whilst dealing with an incident off duty.”

16. DCI Lee Watling, DI Darren Hassard, DS Helen Rance, DC Quinn Cutler, Intelligence Analyst Rachel Akins, A/DS Jim Borrett, DS Steve Greene, PC Brad Bradwell, Forensic Manager Abbas Sheikh, PS Leigh Green, PC James Smith, PS Sally Pattison, Staff members Hugh Foraboschi and Matt Shepherd DCI Lee Watling Commended for “Leadership during Operation Arae which removed a prolific and dangerous cross border offender from the streets of Wandsworth.”

DI Darren Hassard, DS Helen Rance and DC Quinn Cutler Commended for “Professionalism, determination, commitment and tenacity in successfully locating the Operation Arae offender.”

Intelligence Analyst Rachel Akins Commended for “Professionalism, diligence and dedication during Operation Arae by conducting protracted and extensive research which proved invaluable to the investigation.”

A/DS Jim Borrett Commended for “Dedication and commitment in developing tactical plans to prevent, deter and disrupt the Operation Arae offender.”

DS Steve Greene and PC Brad Bradwell Commended for “Leadership, dedication and professionalism in deploying long term, large scale proactive operations leading to the arrest of the Operation Arae offender.”

Forensic Manager Abbas Sheikh Commended for “Professionalism, insight and investigative ability in successfully identifying the Operation Arae offender.”

PS Leigh Green and PC James Smith Commended for “Professionalism, determination,commitment and tenacity in successfully locating the Operation Arae offender.”

PS Sally Pattisonand Matt Shepherd Commended for “Commitment in successfully locating the Operation Area offender and overall professionalism and dedication to safeguarding the people of Wandsworth by reducing suspects and offenders at large.”


February 23, 2011